Get inspired at the 2022 Connect Summit lineup
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Wednesday, June 15
Engage with industry in 1-on-1 networking sessions
Connect with attendees at the welcome reception with live entertainment
Seizing the Opportunity of the Internet of Cows
Kevin Muxlow – Chief Operations Officer, URUS Group
Hear a vision of connected cows and global supply chains.
June 15 events are for live attendees only.
Thursday, June 16
Healthcare R&D: Rob & Duplicate
Brad Papineau – VAS
Why running a hospital is like running a dairy and what we can learn from them. Brad will explore the parallels of patient and cow integrated care, digitization and great design.
Hear data and innovation stories in dairy agronomy
Capitalizing on Cover Crops
Brendon Blank, Certified Forage Specialist and Dairy Nutritionist
Conservation might be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of cover crops – but that’s just one benefit. Brendon Blank will share how he’s harnessing the power of cover crops for feed and forage production while capitalizing on the environmental benefits too.
Harness the Power of Worms and Cows To Change Regenerative Agriculture
Austin Allred – Royal Dairy
Austin Allred from Royal Dairy set out on a quest to make clean manure water and discovered new ways of generating profit by farming worms, soil, manure, and cows by embracing a regenerative ag system for dairy.
Panel – Breaking Down Silos Between Crops and Cows
Austin Allred
Royal Dairy
Brendon Blank
Byron Seed
Chris Clark
Cory Craig
Herrema Dairy LLC
Dave Smercina
Industry experts and farmers discuss what it takes to be a data innovator in agronomy.
Unlock beef-on-dairy opportunities
Beef-On-Dairy – Delivering the Ideal Carcass in the New Age of Beef
Blake Foraker, Ph.D. – Texas Tech University
Blake Foraker of Texas Tech University take us through the industry leading research on what consumers are saying about beef-on-dairy meat.
Dairy Sourced – Data Driven Beef Production
Dustin Hollermann – Riverview, LLP
Dustin Hollermann gives us in depth look at how Riverview, LLP has taken beef-on-dairy by the horns in their robust breeding program and how data is fueling the decisions they are making to grow the most profitable animal.
Panel – Learn How to Take Advantage of the Beef-on-Dairy Revolution for Your Operation
Brad Brundage
Trans Ova
Blake Foraker
Texas Tech University
Dr. Marissa Hake
Dustin Hollermann
Riverview Dairies
Katie Martin
Allen Moczygemba
Join our panel of experts as they discuss current beef-on-dairy trends and the future of this growing market. Learn about what you need to do to implement these new tools to drive your revenue.
Ignite with Innovative Dairy Technology Sessions
These sessions are quick data driven presentations on revolutionary up and coming technology in the dairy industry.
Next Level Milk Monitoring: Every Cow at Every Milking
Bethany Deshpande – CEO, SomaDetect
Using SomaDetect’s sensor technology, you can monitor health, reproduction, and nutrition from the milk of individual cows without any added chores nor costly reagents. The granularity of the data that SomaDetect gathers from milk is unparalleled. Using all this information, what can we do that we were not able to do before? Bethany Deshpande, CEO of SomaDetect, will share stories from the field as she discusses the adventure of developing new technology and the triumphs of using data to drive everyday decisions.
Manage Cow Health From the Inside Out With Cloud Based Bolus Technology
Stefan Scherer – Smaxtec
Learn how internal temperature and rumination sensing enable the farmer to detect critical diseases up to 4 days before clinical symptoms and therefore to treat conservatively heavily reducing antibiotic usage and improving herd health.
Improve cow management with cutting-edge technology
Optimize cow comfort and production by strategically stacking parlor technologies
Chris Szydel – Pagel’s Ponderosa Dairy
How Pagel’s Ponderosa is using different technologies from multiple vendors to create a cow’s best life.
Panel – Technology is Revolutionizing the Way We Manage Dairies
Lucas Bokma
Bokma Dairy
Rodney Elliott
Drumgoon Dairy
Adam Griffin
Chris Szydel
Pagels Ponderosa Dairy
Dan Venteicher
Preston Vincent
Ask experts and farmers about about the rapidly evolving landscape of parlor and robotic technologies.
Learn about the future of dairy technology from within the technology ecosystem
The missing link to the dairy data ecoystsem
Josh Hushon – Head of North America Dairy Marketing, Cargill Animal Nutrition
The evolution of management and data within dairy has provided the industry with generational improvements in short periods of time. From changes in management, feeding and genetics to modern-day advances in cow behavior data and genomics, the dairy ecosystem has been the platform for astounding performance and efficiency gains. But, there is a missing link that is holding us back from the next generational improvement in our cows and herds. This presentation will discuss the missing link in the dairy data ecosystem and the power that is still a broken connection away.
Creating a Convoy of Tech to Help Your Dairy Hammer Down for Progress
Tara Bohnert – Commercial Business Development Manager, Nedap
Technology may be moving quicker than a zippy race car but that doesn’t mean farms have to get left in the dust if they don’t jump on the newest trend. In fact, forming partnerships with providers that have the combination of horse power and staying power to go to the long haul proves invaluable. Couple that with companies willing to work together in a collaborative, future minded approach and you’ve got yourself an unstoppable convoy.
Advancing Technology in Dairy Farming for a Brighter Future
Paul Koffman – North American Lead, Allflex Livestock Intelligence, Merck Animal Health
Advancements in Technologies for Dairy Farming and the adoption of these technologies move quickly. In order to do this, you must be able to scale them to the needs of your farm and provide pathways to continue to develop and evolve along with the needs of you and your farm in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Dairy Consulting Evolution through Data Technology and Innovation
Jenny DeMunck – Senior Director GENEX+, GENEX
Technology is crucial for innovation-and innovation in technology is critical to innovation all across the globe. Why? It’s the forward evolution of technology that allows us to do more with less, improving the lives of our animals and our way of living as well as quicker and more accurate decision making. The key to innovative new technology today and for future generations is that it begins with collected data that has financial implications to most dairy operations. Industry consultants working with dairies using strategic proactive goal planning and monitoring through efficient data collection and automated algorithms drives our generations forward.
Panel – The Future of Dairy Technology
Dr. Paulo Loureiro
Allflex Livestock Intelligence Lead, Global Marketing, Merck Animal Health
Friday, June 17
Hear from next generation producers on their vision for dairy farming in 2070
Panel – The Next Generation of Dairy Farmers Prepares for the next 50 years
Evelyn Leubner
Maple Lane Farms
Kristyn Mensonides
Mensonides Dairy
Mike teVelde
Mira Farms
Traci van der Ploeg
The Milkshed
Jason Osterstock
This panel of young dairy producers tells a story of their farm in 2070, what challenges they see and have already overcome.
Discover why Generation Z will fall in love with dairy
Panel – Using Social Media to Tell Your Seed to Cheese Story
Join this panel of social media influencers share how they are sharing their story across social media platforms to connect to consumers.
Dr. Marissa Hake
Evelyn and Claudia Luebner
Tara Vander Dussen
Dan Venteicher
Annelise Wegner
Michelle Miller
Dairy’s Future Consumers: 2030
Eve Pollet – Senior Vice President, Strategic Intelligence, Milk Molecules Initiative Lead, DMI
We will take a look at the change that the next decade will bring and what that will mean for dairy’s future consumer. In this session we will examine the different cultural trends, forces and drivers that will shape dairy’s future consumers in the next decade and unpack what that means for dairy.