Frank Cardoza works as a dairy consultant with DairyWorks.
Frank Cardoza - Panel member for The Optimized Dairy
My name is Frank Cardoza and I work as a dairy consultant with DairyWorks. We are an on-farm management company that helps dairymen and their employees overcome some of the day-to-day challenges. We believe that technology will create jobs and give dairymen tools, so that they can make better business decisions. I also manage Philip Verwey Farms. Our mission statement is to “create a good working environment that will attract hard working individuals who want a CAREER in the dairy industry”. Every day, we work hard to improve three areas; first, create good jobs that will help our employees succeed. Second, ensure that we are doing everything possible to take care of our animal. Third, take care of the environment by always conserving water and doing our part to control air quality.