

Jared Fernandes

Partner of Legacy Ranches

Jared Fernandes is partner of Legacy Ranches, a dairy Farm located in Pixley, California. Legacy Ranches consists of 4500 milk cows and 5000 head of support stock on two facilities along with 1800 acres of farm ground. The dairies milk both Jersey and Holstein cows, and the farm grows Alfalfa, Wheat, Corn and Pistachios.

Energy use on the farm is partially offset with a 1 megawatt solar tracking system.  In addition to solar the both dairies recently constructed methane digesters as part of the CalGren renewable fuel cluster. The cluster is a join partnership with 14 nearby dairies, in which CalGren constructs and manages digesters and purchases the bio gas from each farm.  The bio gas is piped to a central location where it is scrubbed and used to power and ethanol plant, and injected into the natural gas pipeline.

2019 CONNECT SUMMIT – Panel: Metric-Driven Success and Sustainability